When you buy a car insurance policy, it is crucial to understand its fine print. One aspect that should never be overlooked in this regard is the list of exclusions. Every insurance policy has a list of events, scenarios or conditions where the policy’s coverage may not apply. These are commonly called exclusions. While the inclusions of the plan are often explicitly shown, the exclusions may not be visible to you unless you read through the policy wordings carefully. Not being aware of the exclusions can lead to problems in the long run, potentially leaving you without the protection you thought you had.

Importance of Reading the Exclusions in Your Car Insurance Policy

While knowing what is covered is very crucial, it is equally important to read through the exclusions list as well, for the following reasons:

It helps avoid unpleasant surprises

Imagine that you raise a claim to replace your car’s tyres that are now worn down due to age. However, you come to know that such coverage is not provided in your car insurance plan. This can result in a loss of time and energy on your end. By knowing the exclusions of your policy beforehand, you can avoid such unpleasant situations.

It can help you curate the right plan

If you read through the exclusions in a policy, you will have a better idea of whether the particular coverage suits your needs. This way, you can decide whether you want to opt for add-ons.

It can help with compliance

Being aware of the exclusions in your policy can help you better comply with the terms and conditions of your policy. This can help you avoid any issues that may arise due to non-compliance. For instance, you can exercise caution when giving your car to someone else to drive, since damages incurred during such situations may not be covered.

It provides peace of mind

Most importantly, knowing what is covered and what isn’t covered by your car insurance policy can give you peace of mind to a great extent. You can drive your car with the assurance that you have a clear understanding of your coverage and that financial setbacks will be taken care of in most cases. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under motor insurance policy.

Hence, one must think of exclusions to be equally important as inclusions when buying a policy. The exclusions of a car insurance policy can be accessed on your policy wordings.