Sometimes recovering your excess from a third party is not always guaranteed but making sure crucial information from them definitely can increase your chances. over time not much has hanged in respect to third party details and with the advancement of technology, it has become easier to obtain.

Still unsure? here is a few details to help you in a situation involving a third party: Don’t accept any kind of payment or documents from the third party without speaking to your insurer first. Always make sure you gather as much information as possible. For example :

Personal details

  • Name and surname
  • ID number (if possible and without provocation, take a photo of their ID as they may give you a false one)
  • Cell phone number
  • Work phone number
  • Email address

Vehicle details

Take a picture of the vehicle if need be, especially if you are shaken.

  • Make
  • Model
  • Year
  • Colour

Insurance details:

  • Find out whether they are insured or not. If they are, take down the name of their insurer.
  • If it is a company car, take down their employer details – name of the company and their contact number.

Witness details

If there are witnesses, their input can be helpful. Ensure you get the following information from them:

  • Name and surname
  • Cell phone number
  • Work phone number
  • Email address

If you have any questions or would like more information, or simply require a QUOTE FOR THIRD PARTY INSURANCE ONLY please contact us on 0861 696 999 or send us a whatsapp on 072 930 2743