We will unfortunately be closed during this 21 day lock down period HOWEVER all your queries and concerns can be directed to our whatsapp number 072 930 2743 and they will be directed to the respective insurers.
All the insurers that we deal with will be operating from their homes, email addresses and contact details are listed below.
- Auto and General / First for woman / Budget : 0860 103 939 & service@brokersupport.co.za / policyservices@budgetins.co.za
- Kingprice : 0860 005500 / 012 001 0775 & BrokerCC@kingprice.co.za
- South African Underwriters(SAU) : 011 7777 200 & underwriting@saunderwriters.com
- Miway : 0860646464 & brokerqueries@miway.co.za / info@miway.co.za
- Oakhurst : 044 805 3700 & Brokersppc@oakhurstins.co.za
- Vapsure : 0861000519
- FSP Solutions : 0112065000
- Affinity : 0116073939
- CTU : 0112741300
- Axsure : 0115941351
- Renasa : 0871358788
A friendly reminder, if all South Africans abide fully by the decisions passed down by the President – we can all overcome this crisis and get back to our daily lives.
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